Friday, February 12, 2010

My Reading Goals & Current Reading List

Last month, in keeping with New Year's, I set myself some goals for the year. I made goals for my writing and goals for my food consumption and goals related to personal fitness. And...I made some reading goals. I made it a goal to read one parenting book, one marriage book and one book on the writing craft each quarter. So far I'm on target with those goals. Admittedly, they aren't that aggressive. But that's the beauty of well set goals - they're realistic. So I expect to have the satisfaction of reaching those goals four times in the next 11 months. And with that, here's my list:

  • Stein on Writing - by Sol Stein. This editor and author has had a part in the works of some incredible writers. I am thoroughly enjoying this book, both for the practical advice and for the great examples he provides. I've been pulling it out to refer to during my writing time recently. Thankfully it's a copy I own so I can keep going back to it once I've finished reading it. I'm marking it up a lot too.
  • Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining & Bad Attitudes...In You And Your Kids - by Scott Turansky & Joanne Miller. An excellent book with a horrible title. Instead it should be titled something like Parenting On The Honor System. It introduces the concept of honor as being central to changing the way your family relates to each other. And I can testify: it works. Since introducing the framework of honor to my family, I've seen my kids doing some really neat things for me and for each other (that could be a whole blog post of it's own). Plus I've be able to pinpoint some parenting tactics I've been using in error. If you're a parent and you haven't read this book - check it out now! It will be worth every minute of your time.
  • The Spiritually Intimate Marriage - by Donald Harvey. Pulled this one off my bookshelf to give a more thorough reading. I've only gotten through one chapter, which tells me I need to put this closer to the top of my pile now. I like the topic it tackles, since it's one that's important but rarely addressed: how do you create a spiritual life together as a couple? I can't give a review yet and but maybe I'll do so later, although it's no longer in print.
  • The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society - by Mary Anne Shaffer and Annie Barrows. I was very disappointed that I had to return this novel to the library before I could finish it. Guernsey Literary is about a British author (Juliet Ashton) who is looking for a new book idea during the post-war years. A letter from a farmer in on the island of Guernsey regarding a used book that once belonged to her, leads Juliet to begin correspondence with all the members of the literary society of the book's title. I won't give away any more. The delivery of the story through a series of letters might sound like a tricky concept. But the authors' voices are so unique and charming, that they absolutely pull you in. Actually, the voice, the time period and the setting all contribute to making this book an enchanting read. If you haven't read this book, I suggest you check it out. It makes for some very delightful reading - a great evening's companion.
There you go: three nonfiction titles, one novel and a few new releases this week. I hope you've gained some new ideas for your own reading list.

I could use some new ideas myself. So tell me this: what have you been reading lately? Or if you have reading goals of your own, feel free to share those too. I'd love to know.

7 musings:

Scott said...

Hi Lara, Just for the record I agree with you about the title of our book. That was the publisher's idea. Our choice for a title was Honor: the Secret Ingredient for Family Life. But the publisher wouldn't use our title saying it wouldn't sell books. --Scott Turansky

everydayMOM said...

I haven't quite got up my nerve to set my reading goal for the year. But the goal that I WANT to set is to read one fiction and one nonfiction book each month. =]

Right now I'm reading "Becoming a Woman of Influence". I also am going to start reading a few books by Jill Savage: "Living with less so your family has more", "Real moms, real Jesus", and "Creating the Moms Group You've Been Looking For."

Since I'm not going to Hearts at Home, I decided to read a bunch of her books instead. =]

Lara said...

Mr. Turansky - Thank you so much for stopping by. I'm honored. I can see the marketing side of the title, perhaps. The toughest part is that it's too long to remember, so I end up just referring to it as "The Honor Book". Again, so glad you stopped by.

everydayMOM - good book list. I'll have to copy it.

Sarah W said...

Love reading your book lists.

I just finished the Whining/Honor book, too. I really liked it, and I need to implement more of the honor principles in our home.

I am now reading Chuck Swindoll's Fascinating Stories of Forgotten Lives about men and women of the Bible.

I had to put fiction away for awhile because I was always going to that instead of things that could improve my spiritual life, parenting, or my marriage.

Lara said...

Sarah - I'd be curious to hear what the honor principles look like in practice at your house. And I'm adding the Swindoll book to my list now. Thanks for sharing!

hellolittlepeepers said...

hmmmm non-fiction reading. I keep buying the books...and never finish them.

Lara said...

hlp (Emily) - I know what you mean! It's not like you can get sucked in to a non-fiction book the same way you can a novel. I tend to go through them slowly, like a chapter a day. And sometimes it's just having the goal of completing them that keeps me going.