Friday, November 03, 2006

29 Sheets of Cardstock

The other day I was at Michael's (the craft store) looking for more card stock for 2-4-6-8 boxes we were going to make for take-home gifts for the mom's group I'm in. I needed 29 more sheets of cottonwood. Not blonde columns, or ivory, or white. Cottonwood. 29 sheets. I'd already gotten 21 sheets at a different store, but I needed 50 total. There was a small stack on the shelf. So I prayed, "God, I need 29 sheets. Please let there be 29 sheets here".

That's why I started this blog. Because I needed 29 sheets of cardstock for a small gift (we're talking the $1 or less variety) for the mom's group I'm in. You see, the question is, "Does God really care about favors for mom's groups?". Should I be wasting His time with little requests like that? Let me tell you the rest of the story.

I picked up the whole stack off the shelf and I counted. 1...2...3. When I got to the last sheet it was 29. "Yeah right. Just a coincidence”, you might say. Maybe if it were just that one time. But it's not out of the ordinary for me, or our Pampering Team (as those of us who plan and make all the gifts and decorations for GEMS Naperville call ourselves). It happens often. Very often. And so I decided it was time to start recording those occasions.

You see, I think God does care. Maybe not about the favors. Those are just things. But about moms. And little gifts that are made just for a mom (not by her kids, I might add) mean something. To her and, maybe because of that fact, to God. Don't agree? Check back. I'll be letting you know about other things that "just happen". If nothing else, I hope to at least get you to wonder.

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